If you are not satisfied with the product, Xpeda offers 14-day guaranteed return period. The product(s) must be unused, in its original packaging and still in the same new condition as when the watch was received.
Please send an email to cs@xpedawatch.com along with the order number and product code, and state the reason for return/refund. Any request of return or refund over 14 days will be declined.
We regret that we do not refund original shipping and handling fees with the return. We will only refund the total value of products. Xpeda does not take responsibility for any items lost during return shipping.
Refund Process
We will refund to your credit card/PayPal account used in that purchase.
Please note that if we did not receive your return product, or we detected that the product has been worn or damaged by human error, we reserve the rights to reject a refund of such product.
For enquiries, please contact us at cs@xpedawatch.com.